Qatar Foundation Interview

  • How do you feel it has benefited you professionally?

HEC improved our skills and abilities in our career and running our own business. As Hissa works in Accounting department, and Jawaher in Finance Department HEC helped us a lot in the companies that we are working in.

Our 2020 cohort was carefully selected by the administrations and helped us a lot to share different ideas with students from different backgrounds, and if we add up all the years experiences together it will reach more that 50 years of different experiences. Its really a good outcome that we gained from our collogues. 


Since we are in the same business if jewellery this will benefit us as entrepreneurs since our track is the same subject . 

جواهر: فالسابق كنت ابحث عن المعلومات بنفسي من مصادر مختلفة الذي يتطلب الكثير من الوقت والجهد قبل التحاقي بجامعة اج أي سي، فالجامعة وفرت علي ذلك بحيث اني اكتسب المعلومات من افضل الدكاترة و الجامعات والدراسات من مشى المجالات، بالإضافة الئ ذلك اكتساب خبرات من زملائي في الدفعة 

  • I would love to hear about an exciting project or experience you had shared during your years of study, either together or individually.

We have started to do export business with our brand and we participated in HK jewellery fair also we have participated in Doha jewelry fair . 

  • As sisters and as you mentioned business partners, how was your experience doing this course together?

Jawaher: Since we have experienced our different thinking in our business how it affected the business in positive way , this when we decided to do our studies together so that we benefit together from different aspects by discussion and doing assignments. 

Hissa: نعم افكر دائماً مع اختي لأنها الاخت الوحيدة لدي فأنا دائما استشيرها في اموري العلمية وستفيد من خبراتها

  • Looking back at your studying years in HEC Paris, what are the things you feel most grateful for?

This university is really an investment in human knowledge as you see different students with different majors and different fields in work experience, by putting as in random groups and when we do group work its really benefit us . 

  • It’s unusual to see sisters or brothers choosing the exact same major to join, especially when they are the same age and attending the same classes, what was the drive behind your joint choice for HEC Paris SBUM? And did you have a specific pre-plan that led your decision? when exactly did you decide as sisters to join this major together? I mean did you always have this plan in mind before joining university? - متى قررت تمامًا كأخوات الانضمام إلى هذا التخصص معًا؟ أعني هل كنت تفكر دائمًا بهذه الخطة قبل الالتحاق بالجامعة؟

We decided to study master together after graduating from university. After searching for good university, HEC was our ultimate choice and aim. We applied immediately when we were ready without any hesitant. As our age is close to each other, we always put hand by hand to grow together, as well as we provide each other with emotional support, companionship, and comfort in the hard stages in university. Jawaher: I have always wanted to be part of HEC Alumni and my dream become true. In addition to that, as entrepreneurs, we took the opportunity to choose Entrepreneurship and Business Development (EBD) Track we are the first cohort that going to be graduating from this track. This will help to enhance more our journey in entrepreneurship skills and knowledge.  

  • Your business in jewelry, did you both start it or is it a family business that you were planning to continue with after graduation? If it's family business, may I know since when it started? كنت تعمل في مجال المجوهرات ، هل بدأتهما أم كان مشروعًا تجاريًا عائليًا كنت تنوي الاستمرار فيه بعد التخرج؟ إذا كانت شركة عائلية ، فهل لي أن أعرف منذ بدايتها؟

جواهر محمد المناعي حاصلة على الماجستير التخصصي في إدارة وحدة الأعمال الاستراتيجية  من جامعه HEC Paris  تخصص ريادة الاعمال وحاصله على بكالوريوس بدرجه امتياز من جامعه قطر كليه الادارة و الاقتصاد تخصص رئيسي ماليه و اداره نظم معلومات كتخصص فرعي اما اختي حصه فهي شريكتي في المشروع وتكبرني بسنه و حاصلة على الماجستير التخصصي في إدارة وحدة الأعمال الاستراتيجية من جامعه HEC Paris  تخصص ريادة الأعمال حاصله على بكالوريوس من جامعه قطر كليه الإدارة و الاقتصاد تخصص رئيسي محاسبه والفرعي اداره. 

We are working in the Jewellery field fince 2015 but we stated to launch our official family business in June 2017 with our Fine Jewellery Brand (Ghand). 

and It all started out as our past time when my sister and I were growing up, we used to take our mother’s unwanted accessories and make new styles and designs from them. We were quite creative and really thought about how we can make accessories out of handicrafts like elastics, crystals, marbles, ropes and ribbons into fashionable necklaces and bracelets. It did not stop there as we were sharing them with our friends and family as well. Each one of us bought her own jewelry box and we gathered our handmade pieces, bought accessories and collected vintage pieces. We grew up with this passion and always had a dream that we would one day design our own jewelry and would be famous for our unique and customized jewelry. We took every opportunity that we got in our lives to visit different jewelry stores and exhibitions that were organized around the world. We admired royal family’s prestigious jewelry that looked so immaculate. Besides that, we used to read stories about famous jewelers as a hobby due to our fascination for jewelry and jewelers.

  • What are your future plans post college? And how far does the current situation of remote learning due to COVID-19 affect these plans if it does?
    ما هي خططك المستقبلية بعد الكلية؟ وإلى أي مدى يؤثر الوضع الحالي للتعلم عن بعد بسبب COVID-19 على هذه الخطط إذا حدث ذلك؟

Jawaher: One of the reasons that encouraged me to enroll in HEC Paris was the way delivery the knowledge and the quality of teaching. For instance the team work, sharing ideas, and groups competitions. When the Covid-19 started, I was totally disappointed with the remote learning, but when I experienced it with HEC and to be aligned with the university strategy to deliver it with high quality I accepted it. It was a new thing for me and I will continue to take more coerces online within HEC or other universities. This means nothing can stops us from learning and we can get as same knowledge in as the technology develops.  

Hissa: لكثير في الوضع الراهن يجعلنا نفكر ونرتب اولوياتنا والكثير من الفرص التقنيه طرحت فالسوق مثلا بدء التفكير في انشاء موقع الكتروني للشركه للتسوق لذلك علينا المواكبه مع اي اوضاع جديده مثل التعلم عن بعد

 if there is something you really feel had made your journey successful or something you truly appreciate, what would that be.

Jawaher: Our family support was always a reason to carry on our success journey together. The hidden soldier that we used to thank in our interviews is our mother. We are doing all what we do right now is dedicated to Qatar, our Community, and for us. 

Hissa: التشجيع المعنوي وروح المثابره التي زرعتها اسرتي هي ما انا عليه الان